GRADUATE COURSES COORDINATED BY THE CAD CAM CAE LABORATORY AT U. EAFIT Course Instructors / Consultants at EAFIT side: Oscar Ruiz Salguero (Laboratory of CAD CAM CAE), Diego Acosta Maya (Development and Design of Processes Group), Juan G. Lalinde (Information and Communication Technology Group), Carlos Cadavid Moreno (Applied Mathematics Group) Juan Manuel Rodriguez Prieto (Applied Mechanics Group) Juan Diego Jaramillo (Applied Mechanics Group) Nicolas Guarin (Applied Mechanics Group) Mauricio Toro Bermudez (Information Technologies Group) Partner Institutions for these Courses: Ruhr Universitaet Bochum (Germany), Purdue University (USA), Universitaet Stuttgart (Germany), Vicomtech Institute (Spain), Cohesive Manufacturing (USA-Colombia) Course Editions: Semester Course Code Course Name 2022-2 PR 0902 Statistics for Researchers 2022-2 IM 0929 Dimensionality Reduction 2022-1 IM 0912 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations 2022-1 IM 0926 Non-linear Finite Element Analysis 2022-1 IM 0907 Compliant Mechanisms 2021-2 ST 0914 Data Structures and Algorithms 2021-2 ST 1004 Point Cloud Methods 2021-2 IM 0929 Dimensionality Reduction 2021-1 IM 0911 Programing in Engineering 2021-1 IM 0906 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 2021-1 IM 0916 Computational Geometry 2021-1 IM 0603 Geometric Modeling 2020-2 IM 0912 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations 2020-2 IM 0819 Underlying Mathematics for CAD CAM 2020-2 IM 0904 Optimization Techniques 2020-2 IM 0603 Geometric Modeling 2020-2 IM 0911 Programing in Engineering 2020-1 IM 0603 Geometric Modeling 2020-1 IM 0906 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 2020-1 IM 0926 Non-linear Finite Element Analysis 2019-2 PR 0902 Statistics for Researchers 2019-1 IM 0904 Optimization Techniques 2019-1 ST 1003 Programming in Graphic Processors 2019-1 IM 0923 Design Optimization 2018-2 IM 0603 Geometric Modeling 2018-2 ST 0921 Parallel Computing 2018-1 IM 0819 Underlying Mathematics for CAD CAM 2018-1 IM 0906 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 2018-1 IM 0911 Programing in Engineering 2018-1 IM 0916 Computational Geometry 2018-1 IM 0923 Design Optimization 2018-1 EI 0816 Research Seminar 3 2017-2 IM 0903 Graph Algorithms 2017-2 IM 0906 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 2017-2 IM 0923 Design Optimization 2017-2 EI 0815 Research Seminar 2 2017-1 IM 0819 Underlying Mathematics for CAD CAM 2017-1 IM 0926 Non-linear Finite Element Analysis 2017-1 ST 0920 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms 2017-1 EI 0814 Research Seminar 1 2016-2 IM 0819 Underlying Mathematics for CAD CAM 2016-1 IM 0910 Mathematical Modeling of Materials 2016-1 IM 0912 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations 2015-2 ST 0920 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms 2015-1 IM 0906 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 2015-1 IM 0904 Optimization Techniques 2014-2 IM 0916 Computational Geometry 2014-1 IM 0916 Computational Geometry 2014-1 IM 0919 Computational Modeling of Mixtures 2014-1 IM 0929 Dimensionality Reduction 2013-1 IM 0928 Teleoperated Medical Robotic Systems 2012-2 PR 0902 Statistics for Researchers 2012-2 IM 0916 Computational Geometry 2012-2 IM 0911 Programing in Engineering 2012-2 IM 0912 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations 2012-2 IM 0926 Non-linear Finite Element Analysis 2012-1 IM 0923 Design Optimization 2012-1 IM 0927 Dynamic Behavior of Materials 2012-1 IM 0926 Non-linear Finite Element Analysis 2012-1 IM 0924 Tensor Theory 2012-1 ST 0921 Parallel Computing 2012-1 IC 0900 Computational Plasticity 2012-1 IM 0819 Underlying Mathematics for CAD CAM 2012-1 IM 0904 Optimization Techniques 2011-2 IM 0904 Optimization Techniques 2011-2 ST 0920 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms 2011-2 ST 0919 Compilers for CAD CAM 2011-2 IM 0922 Computational Fuid Dynamics 2011-2 IM 0916 Computational Geometry 2011-2 IM 0919 Computational Modeling of Mixtures 2011-2 IM 0921 Continuum Mechanics 2011-2 ST 0914 Data Structures and Algorithms 2011-2 IM 0920 Fluid Dynamics 2011-2 PR 0901 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers 2011-2 IM 0918 Non-linear Fracture Mechanics 2011-2 IM 0917 Scanning Electron Microscopy 2011-2 IM 0904 Optimization Techniques 2011-2 ST 0920 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms 2011-1 IM 0907 Compliant Mechanisms 2011-1 IM 0911 Programing in Engineering 2011-1 IM 0906 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 2011-1 IM 0909 Finite Element Analysis in Linear Structural Mechanics 2011-1 IM 0910 Mathematical Modeling of Materials 2011-1 IM 0908 Multi - scale System Design 2011-1 IM 0912 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations 2011-1 PR 0901 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers 2011-1 ST 0914 Data Structures and Algorithms 2010-2 IM 0905 Elasticity Theory 2010-1 IM 0903 Graph Algorithms 2008-1 ST 1001 Real-time Reconstruction and Simplification of 3D Models 2003-2 IM 0603 Geometric Modeling 2003-1 IM 0603 Geometric Modeling Course External Partners / Consultants / Sponsors / Co-authors: Prof. Dr. Ing. Julian Florez Director Vicomtech-IK4 Spain. Dr. Ing. Jorge Posada Deputy Director Vicomtech-IK4 Spain, M.Sc. Juan David Pineda Supercomputing Center U. EAFIT, M.Sc. Carlos Echeverri Cartagena Dept. Production Eng. U. EAFIT, Dr. Angel Gil-Agudo Biomechanics and Technical Aids Department, National Hospital for Spinal Cord Injury. Toledo, Dr. Francisco Molina-Rueda Motion Analysis Biomechanics Ergonomy and Motor Control Laboratory (LAMBECOM) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Spain, Dr. Ander Arbelaiz Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Jairo Sanchez Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Aitor Moreno Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Camilo Cortes eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Inigo Barandiaran Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Raul Chopitea Investigación y Desarrollo Lantek, Dr. Ing. Ana de los Reyes-Guzman Biomechanics and Technical Aids Department, National Hospital for Spinal Cord Injury. Toledo, Dr. Ing. Alvaro Bertelsen eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Eduardo Carrasco eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Luis Unzueta eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Jorge Correa Cohesive Manufacturing (USA-Colomia), Prof. Dr. Ing. Placid Ferreira Mechanical Science and Eng. Department U. Illinois Urbana Champaign and Cohesive Manufacturing, Dr. Ing. Ivan Macia eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Luis Kabongo eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Ivan Macia eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, M.Sc. Maria Osorno Institute of Mechanics Ruhr-University Bochum, M.Sc. David Uribe Institute of Mechanics Ruhr-University Bochum, M.Sc. Davide Scorza eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, M.Sc. Aitor Ardanza eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Prof. Dr. Ing. Holger Steeb Institute of Mechanics Ruhr-University Bochum, Prof. Dr. Ing. Sebastian Durango Universidad Autonoma de Manizales U. EAFIT, M.Sc. Daniel Mejia Lab. CADCAM CAE U. EAFIT, B.Sc. Diego Montoya Lab. CADCAM CAE U. EAFIT, Prof. Dr. Math. Carlos Cadavid Math. Department U. EAFIT, B.Sc. David Sanchez Lab. CADCAM CAE U. EAFIT, B.Sc. Juan Muñoz-Betancur Lab. CADCAM CAE U. EAFIT, Prof. Dr. Ing. Arno Formella Universidade Vigo, Spain, M.Sc. Maria Stella Orozco Universidade Vigo, Spain, B.Sc. Gyde Ohlsen Department of Wind Energy Technical University Denmark, B.Sc. Thomas Full Institute of Materials Resource Management Augsburg Universitaet, Dr. Ing. Jairo Sanchez Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Jorge Posada Direction Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Aitor Moreno Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Camilo Cortes eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, M.Sc. Maria Osorno Institute of Mechanics Ruhr-University Bochum, M.Sc. David Uribe Institute of Mechanics Ruhr-University Bochum, Prof. Dr. Ing. Holger Steeb Institute of Mechanics Ruhr-University Bochum, Dr. Ing. Inigo Barandiaran Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Vicomtech-IK4, Prof. Dr. Ing. Julian Florez eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ander Arbelaiz Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Raul Chopitea Investigación y Desarrollo Lantek, Dr. Ing. Ana de los Reyes-Guzman Biomechanics and Technical Aids Department, National Hospital for Spinal Cord Injury. Toledo, M.Sc. Davide Scorza eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Alvaro Bertelsen eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Eduardo Carrasco eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Angel Gil-Agudo Biomechanics and Technical Aids Department, National Hospital for Spinal Cord Injury. Toledo, Dr. Ing. Luis Unzueta eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Prof. Dr. Ing. Sebastian Durango Universidad Autonoma de Manizales U. EAFIT, Dr. Ing. Jorge Correa Mechanical Science and Eng. Department Universidad de Illinois Urbana Champaign, Dr. Ing. Ivan Macia eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, M.Sc. Aitor Ardanza eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Luis Kabongo eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Ivan Macia eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Francisco Molina-Rueda Motion Analysis Biomechanics Ergonomy and Motor Control Laboratory (LAMBECOM) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Spain, Dr. Alicia Cuesta-Gomez, Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine Department, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Dr. Ing. Gorka Epelde eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Dr. Ing. Alessandro De Mauro eHealth and Biomedical Applications Vicomtech-IK4, Prof. Dr. Ing. Guillermo Peris-Fajarnes Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Gráficas U. Politecnica Valencia, Prof. Dr. Ing. Beatriz Defez Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Gráficas U. Politecnica Valencia, Prof. Dr. Ing. Manuel Graña Facultad de Informática U. Pais Vasco, M.Sc. Daniel Mejia Laboratorio de CAD CAM CAE U. EAFIT Support Resources for Students: (a) Course Official Supervisors, (b) Junior assistants, (c) Office with Computing Equipment and Specialized Software, (d) Internship in Specialized Facilities, (e) Special Topic Consultants and Experts, (f) Super-computing Resources and Training Courses, (g) Additional Training Courses (determined by Internship Hosts). (h) Expenses for Publication in Journal or Conference. (resourses assigned as per need basis). Course Products: See Sections: Journal Articles, Conference Papers, Chapters in Book, Books, Theses and BIBTEX records. Course Students: See People Section. |