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Proyected end-effector workspace
Computational Geometry Contributions Applied to Additive Manufacturing
Ph.D. student Diego Montoya-Zapata. Ph.D. Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Dr. Ing. Jorge Posada (Vicomtech, Spain).  Nov 2022

Proyected end-effector workspace
Journal_Article on Computational Geometry Application in Parametric Modeling
M.S. student Samuel Velez Sanin. M.Sc. Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Dr. Ing. Jorge Correa Panesso, (Manufactura Cohesiva S.A.S. Colombia) Nov 2022

Proyected end-effector workspace
Computational Geometry Application in Dimensional Assessment and Boundary Elements
M.Sc. student Cristian C. Rendon. M.Sc. Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Dr. Ing. Jorge Correa Panesso (Manufactura Aditiva S.A.S., Colombia).  Sept 2022

Proyected end-effector workspace
Visual programming with invariant, pre- and post-conditions for approximation of a 3D model with assorted 1.5D and 2.5D lattice families
M.A. student Carolina Builes-Roldan. M.A. Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia).  June 2022

Proyected end-effector workspace
Computational Geometry Applications in Industry 4.0
M.Sc. student Juan Camilo Pareja-Corcho. M.Sc. Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Dr. Aitor Moreno, Dr. Ing. Jorge Posada (Vicomtech, Spain).  November 2021

Proyected end-effector workspace
Differential Operators on Manifolds for CAD CAM CAE and Computer Graphics
Ph.D. student Daniel Mejia Parra. Ph.D. Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Dr. Ing. Jorge Posada (Vicomtech, Spain).  June 2020

Proyected end-effector workspace
Encoding of Voxel Sets by Frequency Reduction in 3D Medial Axis (in preparation for external pubication)

B.Sc. student Santiago Moreno-Avendano. B.Sc. Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), June 2020  

Proyected end-effector workspace
Compendium of Publications on: Computational Geometry and Numerical Simulation in Applications of Computational Mechanics
M.Sc. student Diego Montoya-Zapata. M.Sc. Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), December 2018

Proyected end-effector workspace
Compendium of Ph.D. Publications on Computational Geometry for Medical Applications
Ph.D. student Camilo Cortes Acosta. Ph.D. Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Prof. Dr. Ing. Julian Florez (Vicomtech, Spain).  June 2016

Proyected end-effector workspace
Analytic Thermal Simulation of 2D Metal Plates under Curved Trajectory Laser Heating.

Daniel Mejia, Aitor Moreno, Oscar Ruiz - Salguero, Inigo Barandiaran, Juan Carlos Poza, Raul Chopitea. M.Sc. student Daniel Mejia. M.Sc Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Dr. Ing. Aitor Moreno (Vicomtech, Spain) . July 2016

Proyected end-effector workspace
Compendium of M.Sc. Publications on Numerical Estimation of Effective Properties of Porous Materials
M.Sc. student Maria Camila Osorno. M.Sc Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia),Prof. Dr. Ing. Holger Steeb (Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany) . June 2014

Proyected end-effector workspace
Geometry and Topology Extraction and Visualization from Scalar and Vector Fields
Doctoral student John Congote Calle. Doctoral Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Dr. Ing. Jorge Posada (Vicomtech, Spain) . June 2013

Proyected end-effector workspace
Compendium of M.Sc. Publications on Assessment of Effective Properties of Multi-phase Materials
Magister student David Uribe Gallo.  Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), Prof. Dr. Ing. Holger Steeb (Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany).  June 2013

Proyected end-effector workspace
Compendium of M.Sc. Publications. Computational Geometry in Medical Applications
Magister student Camilo Cortes Acosta.  Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT) Colombia. EAFIT Univ. Dec 2012

Proyected end-effector workspace
Assessment of intended deformations and kinematic identification of parallel mechanisms under quasi-static conditions
Doctoral student Sebastian Durango. Doctoral Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT) Colombia. EAFIT Univ. Dec 2010

Cones Depth Map
Statistical evaluation of the input factors in an adaptive weights depth map generation algorithm
Diploma student Alejandro Hoyos. Advisor Oscar Ruiz (U. EAFIT) Co-advisor Diego Acosta (U. EAFIT) Colombia.Co-advisor John Congote VICOMTech Research Center (Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain). EAFIT Univ. Feb 2011

3rrr Compliant Mechanism
Force-Displacement model of planar compliant mechanisms based on Assur groups decomposition.
Diploma student Jorge Eduardo Correa. Advisor Oscar Ruiz (U. EAFIT). Co-advisor M.Sc. Sebastian Durango (Universidad Autonoma de Manizales), Colombia. Meritory Graduation Proyect Award (Mechanical Engineer). EAFIT Univ.  Dec 2010

Von Mises stress distribution on the top ring after being beaded
Optimization of form and configuration of beads to reduce the stresses in a radial fan
Diploma student David Uribe. Advisors Uwe Reinert (Hochschule Bremen), Oscar Ruiz (U. EAFIT). Bremen, Germany. EAFIT Univ.  October 2010

Position error of End-effector's workspace
Experiment Design in Compliant Mechanisms and Kinematic Identification of Parallel Mechanisms.
Diploma student David Restrepo. Advisor Oscar Ruiz (U. EAFIT). Co-advisor M.Sc. Sebastian Durango (Universidad Autonoma de Manizales), Colombia. Meritory Graduation Proyect Award (Mechanical Engineer). EAFIT Univ.  May 2010

Hands B-Rep Triangulation
Geometry Generation for Computer Aided Engineering. Study Cases in Meshing and Ceramics Modeling

Diploma student Ricardo Serrano Salazar. Advisor: Prof. Oscar E. Ruiz, Partner: Research Center in Graphic Technologies. Universidad Poltecnica de Valencia (Valencia, Spain). Co-advisors from UP. Valencia: Prof. Dr. Ing Guillermo Peris, Prof. Dr. Ing. Beatriz Defez.   EAFIT Univ. October 2009

Warped Marching Cubes
Applications of Computational Geometry to Computer Aided Design, Computer Graphics and  Computer Vision
Master student John Edgar Congote Calle. Advisor: Prof. Oscar E. Ruiz, Partner: VICOMTech Research Center (Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain). Co-advisors from Vicomtech: Dr. Ing. Jorge Posada, Inigo Barandiaran, Javier Barandiaran, Aitor Moreno.  Meritory Thesis Award (Informatics) EAFIT University, June 2009

On the Mathematical Problem that Represents the Steady State Combustion of Solid Fuels.
Masters student Javier Enrique Schotborgh Espinel. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Math. Carlos Cadavid. M.Sc. Thesis EAFIT University. Dec 2007.

Applications of Computational Geometry to Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. 

Diploma student Carlos A. Vanegas Grisales. Advisor: Prof. Oscar E. Ruiz, Partner: University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain. Group of Engineering and Design (Grupo de Enxenheria e Desenho), Coordinator: Prof. Xoan A. Leiceaga. Evaluators: Prof. Daniel Aliaga (Purdue University), Dr. Rodrigo Marin (Schlumberger), Prof. Xoan A. Leiceaga (University of Vigo). Meritory Thesis Award (Applied Mathematics) EAFIT University, June 2007

Fast Point Location, Ray Shooting and Intersection Test for 3D Nef Polyhedra.
Diploma student Miguel Andres Granados.
Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn. Partner: Max Planck Institut fuer Informatik, Saarbruecken, Germany. Algorithmics and Complexity Group. Prof. Dr. Ing Kurt Mehlhorn, Dr. Ing. Lutz Kettner. Meritory Thesis Award (Computer Science) EAFIT University, Dec 2004.

Deterministic and Heuristic Methods in 2- Manifold Reconstruction.
Diploma student Sebastien Pena Serna,
Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia). F. Perez Fontan. Partner: University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain. Laboratory for Signal Theory and Communications. Prof. Dr. Ing. Fernando Perez Fonten. Dec, 2004.

Detection of the Line of Sight.
Dimploma student Maria Stella Orozco,
Supervisors Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia), U. Kretschmer, U. Jasnoch, Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany. Division A5. Geographic Information Systems. Dr. Ing. Ursula Kretschmer, Dr. Ing. Uwe Jasnoch. Meritory Thesis Award (Computer Science) EAFIT University, May 2004.

Surface Reconstruction.
Diploma student Eliana Maria Vesquez,
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia). Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany. Division A7. Medical Imaging Division. Prof. Dr. Ing. Georgios Sakas, Dr. Ing. Gigoris Karangelis. Dec, 2003.

DigitLAB I.
Diploma student Rolf Sebastian Schrader,
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia). Partner: University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign. Large Scale Factory Automation Lab. Mechanical Engineering Dept. Prof. Dr. Ing. Placid Mathew Ferreira. Meritory Thesis Award (Production Engineering) EAFIT University, Dec 1999.

Application Interface Specification (AIS) Interface for MicroStation.

Diploma student Jorge Leon Posada.
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia). Partner: University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign. Large Scale Factory Automation Lab. Mechanical Engineering Dept. Prof. Dr. Ing. Placid Mathew Ferreira. Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany. Division A2. Industrial Applications Division. Prof. Dr. Ing. Joachim Rix. EAFIT Univ. Dec 1997.

Application Interface Specification (AIS) for AutoCAD.

Diploma students Dario A. Isaza (Computer Science), Jairo Alberto Saldarriaga (Mechanical Engineering).
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar E. Ruiz (U. EAFIT, Colombia). Partner: Colombian Council for Science and Technology- Colciencias. Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics (ETI) Division. M.Sc. Elsa Neira. EAFIT Univ. Dec 1997.


Oscar Eduardo Ruiz Salguero. Ph.D Thesis. 1995, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Ph.D. Supervisor: Prof. Placid Ferreira.
Spatial reasoning for computer aided design, manufacturing and process planning.

Oscar Eduardo Ruiz Salguero. M.Sc. Thesis, 1991, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. M.Sc. Supervisors Profs. Shiv Kapoor, Richard DeVor.
Prediction of interrupted cutting force system using solid modeling approach

Oscar Eduardo Ruiz Salguero. Computer Science Diploma Thesis, 1986, Los Andes University, Bogota, COLOMBIA.  Supervisor Prof. Rodrigo Lopez.
A Compiler for a CNC turning high level language

Oscar Eduardo Ruiz Salguero. Mech. Eng. Diploma Thesis, 1983, Los Andes University, Bogota, COLOMBIA, Supervisor Prof. Rafael Beltran.
Workbench for Heat Pipes.
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